A Casual, Yet Sophisticated Man — Shoes Make A Difference!


A man with nice shoes is very similar to a female with a great perfume scent. Would you agree with that statement? It has been noted that you can figure out a man’s personality just by looking at the shoes on his feet. While we do agree with that statement, we tend to believe judging a man by his shoes should be situational. However, when a man is seen wearing nice shoes, especially shoes of high quality, understand that it truly makes a difference on how he is and (in some situations) will be perceived.

With that said, when speaking with men about different shoe companies, we like to rely on one of our favorite shoe companies for men — Florsheim. Florsheim has been producing high quality shoes for men since 1892. Their shoes are known to symbolize success while signaling a deep passion for self-respect and respect for those a man conducts business with. Simply put, Florsheim shoes are designed for The Man Who Cares.

To shop with Florsheim, visit http://www.LenMelekard.com/fashion.html and click on the “Florsheim” image.

Shop with our partners (www.LenMelekard.com/partners.html) and you will save money on numerous items (men and women fashion, nutritional supplements, business items, etc.). Simply click on the links on our partner page and shop away!

Contact us today, via phone 888-986-6364 or E-mail info@LenMelekard.com, if you are interested in our Image Consulting services or if you are interested in partnering with us.


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